And, the Golden Hammer Award Goes To…
Let’s raise a glass – or a beam – to celebrate one of this year’s Golden Hammer Award winners – our Rustic Beams!
Every year a team of professionals review new product entries at HBSDealer magazine. We submitted our Rustic Beams because we believe they not just meet --- but exceed --- all the necessary requirements. They’re innovative, provide a good price value and offer strong benefits to users. The judges agreed!
As one of just 27 products nationwide receiving the 2020 Golden Hammer Award, our Rustic Beams are standing tall. As in 8-feet long each! Available in both Maple Faux and Prestained Gray Faux colors, the hollow beams are ideal for projects all around the home.
Winning Projects
Since we launched our Rustic Beams last year, our team has worked with a variety of influencers to showcase their unique capabilities. Here’s what two of them have said about our award-winning, easy-to-install beams.
Just Call Me Homegirl
“These beams were incredibly easy to install. I think start to finish just took around 2 hours. I did it myself except the hubby held it up for me while I screwed it in. I love the way it looks. It instantly warms up the room and it feels like it belongs there, not just covering something up.”
“If you go back to my inspirational post you can see I wanted to install some pretty beams to really give the room an upgraded look. So many times ( myself included ) designers and home decorators overlook the ceiling. Mostly because of budget concerns, but if you can help it don’t skip the ceiling. Even something as simple as beams can really give it a finished look.”
Share your beam project with us via #OrnamentalBuild on social and make sure to tag us!